New to this...

Welcome to my first blog... As I've no idea of blog protocols, I hope you can enjoy the naivety of my posts and forgive any blog etiquette faux pa!! 

So, after 5 years of studying for my BA, I have now found myself in the exciting but lonely zone of the professional photographer... no more lecturer's guidance, no more class crits, or fellow students to share ideas with, just my own thoughts and opinions ... and can I really trust them?

At this crossroads, leaving full time education behind and embarking on launching my photography business, I thought it might be good to share the ups and downs of my experience, and perhaps create a little diary for me to look fondly on in the future. Till next time...

Angela x


Double Exposure Flowers


I created this image using a double exposure technique. I love the days when I have the time to play around with my favourite camera, an old Mamiya RB that I bought on eBay 5 years ago. It's a quirky big beast of a camera, but can produce some very delicate images.


Exist in Photographs