For the past year I have been working hard, building up my photography business. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions… thankfully mainly positive ones.
When I started out, I thought only of taking photographs and editing, but in reality, it has become increasingly clear that marketing, website management and social media planning needs an large amount of dedicated time and is crucial to the success of a small business like mine.
Being a good photographer is just not enough these days, it takes a massive amount of effort and hard work to keep things fresh and my customers engaged. I must admit over the past year I was guilty of letting this side of things slide a little… well more than a little! Mainly due to my negative feelings towards the ‘business side of business’, it literally was a battle between my creative and sensible sides and at one point I was in danger of letting that negativity affect a job that I truly LOVE.
So after a well earned rest this summer and a change of attitude I have come back to work with a determination to make amends with my sensible side and find the fun in building my business and watching the hard work I put in make a difference.
Angela x